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In Marketplace Manager, you can see what your users are selling on your site, update their listings if you see an error, and delete their listings.  Click on the name of an item to view the description page for that item.  To make changes to an item, simply click the "Update" button next to the item you want to make changes to.  To delete any item from your site,  simply click "Delete" next to the item you want to remove.



Items in your Marketplace/Classifieds

Username Item Name Price Delete
stewart.terry@insightbb.com Kodak Easy Share Camera 159.00 Delete
stewart.terry@insightbb.com 2002 Jeep 12,500 Delete
sandyharrod2005@yahoo.com AKC Chocolate Lab Puppies 200.00 Delete
support@easyfreewebhits.net Place Your Website On My Website For Free! 0 Delete
bclass318@yahoo.com Coat of Arms Customized with your name 19.95 Delete
cc@repplug.com Leather Sofa 500 Delete
Pradeepkdlk@gmail.com Land for sale in Sri Lanka 0 Delete
crystalclearwireless@gmail.com crystal clear wireless FREE PHONES Delete
bodekor777@yahoo.com Dial up Internet 4.95 Delete
toddrobb@comcast.net testing 19 Delete
turkeyhouse1@windstream.net Honda Trike $12500 Delete
grandcoast@gmail.com Test 9.00 Delete
gpsmith2525@yahoo.com stereo $50.00 Delete
gpsmith2525@yahoo.com lg camera 7 pix 100.00 Delete
easyphonellc@gmail.com Pre Paid Long Distance $10.00 Delete
easyphonellc@gmail.com Pre Paid Long Distance $10.00 Delete
frances.fuller@insightbb.com Credit Repair free to look Delete
stevenjbaxter@yahoo.ca HP Computer 500.00 Delete